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Monday, November 20, 2006

Gable Island, Beagle Channel

We took a canoe trip for two hours along the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia to Gable Island. The island lies in the Beagle Channel and is home to a penguin colony, which we managed to get really close to and was fascinating. After lunch at a refugio (basic shelter) we continued on foot exploring the island further for a few hours where we saw many beaver dams (a real problem as the beaver is not native and is now destroying a large number of trees) constructed as a natural defence against predators (of which it has none, but is not aware) We also had a good view of Puerto WIlliams on the Chilean side of the channel which is actually the most southern settlement in the world (but much, much smaller than Ushuaia)


Blogger tom said...

I have always wanted to see a real penguin not one on the tv. I bet it was amazing explorin that island!

6:04 pm

Blogger gavwheatley said...

we are waiting for our appearance in your blog as the two fascinating strangers you met in the park who provided the true power behind that canoe that ferried you around.

....its a secret.....

Actually we were doing out our itinerary and were thinking maybe the 8th of december for that bike ride round the lakes if you are around but no doubt we will bump into you again somewhere strange and random before that!

11:12 pm


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