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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mucho Agua!

As we sped towards Iguazu Falls in a powerboat all we could hear from behind us was the guide shouting "mucho agua, muchu agua".
Our day began with a 4x4 trip through the jungle where we saw Tucans and dozens of brightly coloured butterflies. Next, our powerboat took us along the Rio Iguazu through rapids until we were confronted by the sight of the falls in all their glory. The Devil's Throat was hardly visible through all the spray being thrown up by the sheer force of the falling water. The boat paused for for photos before speeding off towards and under a number of falls - thoroughly soaking all of us.
Afterwards we took several walks around the falls to see the different views before ending up looking over Devil's Throat (and getting drenched again!)
So glad that we could share this real highlight of the trip with Shona, David, Harriet and Ben.

Facts about Iguazu Falls (thanks to http://en.wikipedia.org)

"The waterfall system consists of about 270 falls along 2.7 kilometres (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River. Some of the individual falls are up to 82 metres (269 feet) in height, though the majority are about 64 metres (210 feet). The Garganta del Diablo or Devil's Throat (Garganta do Diabo in Portuguese), a U-shaped 150-metre-wide and 700-metre-long (490 by 2300 feet) cliff, is the most impressive of all, and marks the border between Argentina and Brazil"

Speeding along the Rio Iguazu

We catch our first glimpse of the falls

Our first "shower"

All of us looking rather wet!


Devils Throat and a rainbow arcing out from the spray.

Rebecca and Ben - wet again!


Blogger Rainbow Cow said...

Shona, you have a hidden tallent! I didn't know you could drive a speedboat... well impressed.

1:01 pm


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