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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Boat Trip- Siem Reap to Battambang.

We left Siem Reap and headed on another dusty road to pick up our speedboat to Battambang (pronounced BattambOng!) As you can imagine it was not the speedboat printed on our ticket but an old, long boat. We were all crammed into the boat (and we picked a few locals up along the way!) We were told five hours so we knew that it would take a long time but we didn't bargain for nine hours! After twenty minutes we were already stuck and had to get the help of a house boat, which was passing, to push us on. This houseboat was literally moving house...grandma was in the kitchen cooking and the children were playing. We travelled through many floating villages and saw people washing, fishing and a lot of children splashing about and greeting us with enthusiastic hellos! Nine hours went quite quickly as the scenery was fascinating and the people, as ever, made you remember not to moan and put a smile on your face!

Moving house!

Children on a river boat.

A shop on the boat.

A woman cooking on her boat.

Children waving to us.

A pensive moment...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That must of been such a funny sight to see that floating house!
I'd love to go on that boat trip and everything but for 9 hours; I don't know how you did it! You could fly to china or somewhere in that amount of time. The people over there seem really nice and friendly. Those two little boys were sweet the ones that waved..
I hope you had a lovely time exploring the floating towns!

love chlo xx

3:43 pm

Blogger Rainbow Cow said...

It is quite bizarre, looking at photos of these children and comparing them with my boys

12:17 pm


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