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Friday, June 08, 2007

Tuol Sleng- Former Khmer Rouge S-21 Prison.

Ponhea Yat used to be one of the largest high schools in Phnom Penh, but in 1975, after expelling all the people from Phnom Penh,the Khmer Rouge turned it into a prison, where innocent people were interrogated and tortured. The only evidence of the school was the building itself. Classrooms were turned into interrogation, torture rooms and cells. The playground was also the scene of torture rather than children playing. We hired a guide and she took us around the school building, showing us the rooms and cells. People would first be interrogated; accused of colluding with the CIA or having killed a Khmer Rouge soldier. Many of these people were teachers, doctors, professors, artists-people Pol Pot wanted to remove from the country. If they did not 'confess' they were tortured for up to two months. Their cells were tiny and they were shackled to short pieces of iron bar. From 1975-1979 20,000 people were tortured here and then murdered at the 'Killing Fields' 15km from the city. Some people did not make it this far and died from the horrific torture. When the Khmer Rouge were 'defeated' only seven people were found alive at the prison.

Tuol Sleng-A former high school.

Barb wire surrounded the prison to stop people escaping and to stop people from trying to commit suicide.

Rules translated. This is what people had to adhere to when under interrogation.

A torture room.

A cell.

When brought to the prison, a photograph was taken of each person. In this room we saw countless faces, men, women and children! We also saw photos of the Khmer Rouge, many of them young girls and boys. All horrific to see but the worst was the images of dead people who had been tortured.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad there's no prisons like that in this country. It would be really scary, apparently prison it meant to be the total opposite in this country.

6:43 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you never took any photos of those photos of people being tortured, my spine shudders just thinking about it. Looks like a really interesting place to visit. I bet the story of the Khmer Rouge is similar to the one of Anne Franks, hope you learnt alot from this experience.
love chlo xx

5:14 pm

Blogger Rainbow Cow said...

It is a stark and shocking thing to know that the prison was once a school. If walls could talk......

12:35 pm


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